THE ATTUNED © 2018, Gary B. Haley, all rights reserved. FB! WL! ISBNs: eBook 9780984724697
Paperback 9781957218007
Hardcover 9780984724666

The Attuned

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Also by Gary B. Haley:
The Attunist
The Attunement

Ines Kirkpatrick
Rhonda Lee Carver
Have Coffee Will Edit

Have Coffee Will Publish

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What is The Attuned, anyway?

In the name of the novel, the word "Attuned" refers to the main character learning to use a new ability he has discovered. In the storyline of the novel, however, it is intended to represent that part of America’s defense budget that is occasionally referred to as the "black hole."

This novel is many things, including something of a memoir on the war on drugs and terrorism in the '80s and early '90s, a sequel to The Attunement, an elaborate "What if..." scenario, and a long-overdue goodbye to a couple of close friends. Comprehensively, the Attune novels are detailed metaphors for something else. I’m interested in finding out if anyone else is able to determine the subject of that metaphor. Your first hint: It is something that nearly everyone experiences.

Here is a common tourists' map of Bristlecone Springs, home of Chip Granberry:

The Attuned ...a novel by Gary B. Haley. © 2018, 2024, all rights reserved.